Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dusting off the blog

Over fifteen days since my last post - so I figured at the very least, a few updates on what's been happening in my life as of late. I have a few other post subjects brewing - so hopefully I can put them into words in the next few weeks. My apologies to my ChoralBlog contributors for my hiatus there, but I will be back soon!

The Heinrich Schütz concert I was blogging about in my last post was an incredible success, which now fulfills our commitment to mount two concerts in the 2009/10 season. At this point, we don't have plans to do another until the fall, although, most of the singers are pressuring us to do another in the spring. There is a slim chance of this - most likely it would be a small ensemble concert, or a quintet show of some kind. I plan to meet with my co-artistic director this week and see what is possible. It is a lot of work - but a heck of a lot of fun at the same time, and we are filling the void of early music in the city right now.

This week, something completely different. I'm singing in the chorus for two Edmonton Symphony concerts, featuring a reprise of John Estacio's "The Houses Stand Not Far Apart". Which, in my opinion, is one of the most exciting large scale choral/orchestra works written in the last decade - with much lasting potential. The second half of the program is Beethoven's Ninth. Quite an honour for John I think to be paired with this orchestral standard. However, I think that Beethoven would also be honoured.

Funny to think that in my 38 years, it is my first Beethoven Nine! This is my last year with Richard Eaton Singers, and although large symphonic choirs are not for everyone, I highly recommend that EVERYONE who plans to make a living in choral music should spend some time singing in one of these choirs. In the last five years, I have sung - Brahms Requiem, Verdi Requiem, Beethoven Nine, Elgar Dream of Gerontius and a few other works that can/should only be performed by a large choir. I also sang the ubiquitous Messiah performances and one St. John Passion, which purists would say should only be attempted by "period" sized ensembles. However, singing them in large choirs is kind of like riding a Moped - they are tons of fun - just don't tell your friends.

In a few weeks we'll be presenting our next concert with Da Camera Singers. An afternoon of music based on Love and Roses, suitably placed on February 14th. Trying to think up some creative marketing ideas, and perhaps some door prizes that might include chocolates, roses, wine, or all three (an a free Eulogies CD - after all, nothing says "love" like a CD about ... death!) A day after this concert, I fly to Toronto for two weeks to adjudicate some junior piano at Kiwanis. Should be a good time - yet, a lot of work, and ... a LOT of sonatinas. Look for a few blogs from my Fairmont hotel room in T.O. during that time.

Currently, I'm waiting at my house for UPS to arrive with our shipment. Yes folks, we are finally getting Rock Band II for our Wii.

I'm a really really really good drummer.

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